Amazon Offering Fulfillment Fee Discount (for a limited time)

Aug 13, 2023
amazon fba

In today's tip, two Amazon FBA shipping discounts and rebates

  • Earn fee discounts for sending minimum units
  • Delaying your receive time to when it becomes available


Hey, guess what? I was packing some of my products over the weekend and Amazon is still hooking #fbaseller with some incentives on future fees for fulfilling your orders, but it's only for a little while (well, they actually announced it during Q2 2023). All you have to do is make sure you send #amazon enough units to keep your inventory levels in check for your eligible FBA products within a certain timeframe. 

If you make sure to always have enough stock at Amazon, they can put your products closer to Amazon Prime customers all over the country and ship their orders out quicker. Keeping the right amount of inventory can also help you avoid running out of products and potentially increase your conversion rates and sales. 

Here are two fee incentives you should look at...

Check out your Amazon Restock #inventory

... to see if any of your ASINs qualify. Click here to go to your Restock Inventory. If your ASIN qualifies, you need to hit your fee discount goal by sending your minimum quantity AND within the specified time frame.

Create Your Shipping Plan

... when you're about to create your shipping label, Amazon will give you two options...

Recommended Shipment Option gives you a faster receive time. Alternatively, check out the Standard Shipment Option. They split my shipment from 1 to 2 shipments and provided a fulfillment fee rebate. I have seen bigger rebates on larger shipments. If you don't need your products to be received immediately and have a good cadence between your sales and in-hand inventory, this is a great strategy. The only difference between the two was the added shipping location to Stockton, CA.


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